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Shifter Diagram for a C3 Corvette pop0pop1pop2pop3pop4pop5pop6pop7

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Corvette Console Shifter Plate Emblem
Console Shifter Plate Emblem
Part #165070
$2600 for more details

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Multiple parts were found. Click to view them all.

No parts were found for this model year, please call (800) 757-KEEN for assistance

Corvette Automatic Transmission Shifter Knob Button Spring
Automatic Transmission Shifter Knob Button Spring
Part #340087
$500 for more details
Corvette Shifter Knob (Auto) (Black)
Shifter Knob (Auto) (Black)
Part #340080
$2000 for more details

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Shifter Diagram for a C3 Corvette
Console Emblem
1968 Corvette Console Shifter Plate Emblem1968Console Shifter Plate EmblemPart #165070$26.00Add to Cart
Console Plate
1972-1976 Corvette Console Plate - Automatic Transmission with AC1972-1976Console Plate - Automatic Transmission with ACPart #800136$340.00Add to Cart
1972-1976 Corvette Console Plate - 4 Speed without AC1972-1976Console Plate - 4 Speed without ACPart #800135$320.00Add to Cart
1972-1976 Corvette Console Plate - 4 Speed with AC1972-1976Console Plate - 4 Speed with ACPart #800134$320.00Add to Cart
1970-1971 Corvette Console Plate - Automatic Transmission without AC1970-1971Console Plate - Automatic Transmission without ACPart #800133$320.00Add to Cart
1970-1971 Corvette Console Plate - Automatic Transmission with AC1970-1971Console Plate - Automatic Transmission with ACPart #800132$325.00Add to Cart
1970-1971 Corvette Console Plate - 4 Speed without AC1970-1971Console Plate - 4 Speed without ACPart #800131$320.00Add to Cart
1970-1971 Corvette Console Plate - 4 Speed with AC1970-1971Console Plate - 4 Speed with ACPart #800130$315.00Add to Cart
1969 Corvette Console Plate - Automatic Transmission without AC1969Console Plate - Automatic Transmission without ACPart #800129$335.00Add to Cart
1969 Corvette Console Plate - Automatic Transmission with AC1969Console Plate - Automatic Transmission with ACPart #800128$320.00Add to Cart
1969 Corvette Console Plate - 4 Speed without AC1969Console Plate - 4 Speed without ACPart #800127$320.00Add to Cart
1969 Corvette Console Plate - 4 Speed with AC1969Console Plate - 4 Speed with ACPart #800126$320.00Add to Cart
Forward Console
1972-1976 Corvette Forward Shifter Console 1972-1976Forward Shifter Console Part #800059$205.00Add to Cart
1971 Corvette Forward Shifter Console 1971Forward Shifter Console Part #800058$205.00Add to Cart
1970 Corvette Forward Shifter Console 1970Forward Shifter Console Part #800057$205.00Add to Cart
1968-1969 Corvette Forward Shifter Console 1968-1969Forward Shifter Console Part #800056$205.00Add to Cart
Push Button Spring
1965-1982 Corvette Automatic Transmission Shifter Knob Button Spring1965-1982Automatic Transmission Shifter Knob Button SpringPart #340087$5.00Add to Cart
Shift Knob
1965-1982 Corvette Shifter Knob (Auto) (Black)1965-1982Shifter Knob (Auto) (Black)Part #340080$20.00Add to Cart
Shifter Knob Push Button
1965-1982 Corvette Push Button at Shifter Knob1965-1982Push Button at Shifter KnobPart #340085$7.00Add to Cart
1965-1982 Corvette Automatic Transmission Shifter Knob Button Spring1965-1982Automatic Transmission Shifter Knob Button SpringPart #340087$5.00Add to Cart
Console Emblem
Console Plate
Forward Console
1972-1976 Corvette Forward Shifter Console
Part #800059
1968-1969 Corvette Forward Shifter Console
Part #800056
Push Button Spring
Shift Knob
Shifter Knob Push Button