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Steering Column
Steering Column Diagram for a C3 Corvette pop0pop1pop2pop3pop4pop5pop6pop7

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Corvette Upper Steering Column Spring
Upper Steering Column Spring
Part #350233
$800 for more details
Steering Column Diagram for a C3 Corvette
Turn Signal Switch
1979-1988 Corvette Turn Signal Switch with Tilt and Telescoping1979-1988Turn Signal Switch with Tilt and TelescopingPart #370116$39.00Add to Cart
1969-1996 Corvette Ignition Switch All with Tilt and Telescoping (OEM Replacement)1969-1996Ignition Switch All with Tilt and Telescoping (OEM Replacement)Part #370011$30.00Add to Cart
Upper Column Spring
1969-1986 Corvette Upper Steering Column Spring1969-1986Upper Steering Column SpringPart #350233$8.00Add to Cart